Sophie-Rose Goldsworthy has been listed as one of the finalists for the ONE TO WATCH category at this years IT LIST & MOST WANTED Awards with Creative Head Magazine.
Judges were provided with 16 page portfolios of each entrant outlining their career history's, achievements, and goals and demonstrating why they think they should be the 'One to Watch!'
TEN finalists have been selected for this prestigious award and the winner will be announced at the Grand Final on September 4th at the Tate Modern during a glitzy awards ceremony, dinner and dance.
When asked about her nomination, Sophie said, 'I already feel like a winner, having my name in a line up amongst such brilliant creatives in this industry is already a huge win and a career defining moment for me. It is an honour to be recognised by the judges and this industry and I am so excited!'
Wish her luck for the final night!

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